© Tony Brunswick
Full Disclosure
Perform your medical duties calmly and adroitly,
concealing most things from the patient
while you are attending to him. Hippocratic Decorum
Maybe they have it right—
those who say the truth is too strong
for a person who’s sick.
Look at it this way, full disclosure
means telling you that some illnesses
elude all cures
that each life has a span
and yours may be short
that beneath the veneer of science
lies the bedrock
of uncertainty
that medical research
is not rocket science,
it’s infinitely more complex
that experts, like search engines,
traffic in theory, conjecture,
shaky data and sometimes outright hoax.
Now the good news:
you may recover despite stiff odds
the body is smarter than you can imagine
the world of health care
has fixers and healers—
what one can’t do the other can
This is the truth.
If you’re the sick person, sign below
to acknowledge receipt.
—-Veneta Masson