A Good Day Job
Get a good day job…one that puts your boat
out in the river of life.
--Abraham Verghese
It could have been anything—
no poets or nurses in my family.
As a kid, I wanted a job and a car.
At 17, college and independence,
the limits of my ambition.
Teach or nurse then marry,
that’s what women like me
did in those days.
I chose nursing.
I learned a lot in that boat—
science, critical thinking
how to care for bodies and souls
how the human drama unfolds.
And I learned this about rivers.
They have a source,
a course
and a mouth.
A therapist once told me,
You’re not a nurse for nothing.
This is true. Nursing carried me
to the mouth of the river.
My job now is to tell you
about the boat.
--Veneta Masson
© Dzifa Awunyo-Akaba